Tuesday, November 23, 2010

30 Years On...

No One's to Blame, I Know Time Flies So Quickly

Yeah, there's some whitewashing by certain people who've built second careers around milking the myth of their friendships with John & Yoko.

And yeah, he was probably a bit of an asshole more than some of the time.

And yeah, some of the music seems quaint and naive these days.

But there's something about John Lennon that is still larger than life.

Even 30 years on.

Watch the full episode. See more American Masters.


Holly A Hughes said...

Didn't see the show -- was it good? I did see the related exhibit at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame annex in SoHo last year. It made me wistful about the great music he might have done as he finally matured -- something that's not easy to do in the public eye. Yoko has curated his history well, I think, ploughing on despite all the accusations that she "broke up the band." It's true that some of his solo output seems oddly dated now, but there were enough gems to treasure.

Alex said...

The show was pretty good... went over a lot of stuff that most people already know.

The most memorable part was when John was talking about how touched he was by the reaction when he joined Elton John onstage in 1974. Lennon was the only one of the Beatles who never did a full tour after the breakup (one was planned for 1981), so he never got to experience the love and affection audiences had for him.

That, along with the music that he might have made, is the saddest part.

Also, it's pretty clear to me that if Lennon had lived then the Beatles definitely would have gotten together again (but that's a completely different story).