Every Day Someone Gets a Sign
So I'm dogsitting for some friends who are out of the country.
And the dogs and I are walking around the neighborhood... and we see this:
Yeah, that's Elvis. (Click on the photo for a larger version -- with hips carefully hidden because this is a family-friendly blog.)
Or at least a wooden statue of Elvis.
On a balcony on a house in a residential area of Los Angeles.
How I wish I could've been a fly on the wall for that conversation.
"Honey, I've got a really fun idea. I'm going to buy (or carve) a full-size wooden statue of Elvis. And we'll put it on the balcony so people will get freaked out when they walk past. And we'll laugh so hard. Except for the 99% of the time when we're not around. And then we'll just laugh more on the inside."
PS: No dogs or people were struck by lightning in the writing or posting of this blog.
State Of The Union/Siblings-SiriusXM This Week
27 minutes ago