In which I pander. Shamelessly.
This blog has gotten visitors from 60 countries and 47 of 50 U.S. states.
But I get no love from South Dakota, Oklahoma, and Mississippi.
So, I've got three choices: I can take a Labor-Day weekend road trip to these three states and access this blog myself. (But, as touring musicians might say, the routing doesn't really work well.)
Or I can beg you all to forward this blog to your friends in South Dakota, Oklahoma, and Mississippi. (You do have music-loving friends in South Dakota, Oklahoma, and Mississippi, don't you?)
Or I can pander.
So at the risk of opening Panderer's Box, let me tell you how much I love South Dakota's Wall Drug, which features the unspeakable awesomeness of this and this?
And did I mention how I stopped once in Elk City, Oklahoma and signed a petition to make the birthplace of native son Jimmy Webb into a museum? It's true! Plus, before Jimmy Webb went all SoCal with cakes left out in the rain, he sang songs of the working man, the kind of salt-of-the-Earth guy you'd shake hands with and instantly know he was from Oklahoma.
And finally, um... for now reason, I'd like to point out that Jimmy Buffett is not from Florida. He's from Mississippi... so suck on that Florida coast. Plus, he was much cooler (and even had a big hit) before he became the Mayor of Margaritaville. (PS: Hey Jimmy, I think I found your that shaker of salt from 1977. Do you still need it?) (Link for Gmail subscribers.)
So c'mon, South Dakota (my all-time favorite Dakota), Oklahoma (still OK after all these years), and Mississippi (M-I-double S-I-Double S-I-Double P-I)! What more do you need?
2 hours ago
Maybe they don't have internets in those states?
Welcome, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma (largest suburb of Tulsa with 90,000 people and the 3rd largest concentration of industries in the state)!
I visited SD twice. Does that count? SK
SK, it counts twice! (And I think you were the one who recommended that diner in Pierre...)
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